Saturday, March 9, 2013

Changing network interface name

I recently found myself interested in installing MatLab on my laptop, as my university has acquired licences for students to use. It turns out that to activate MatLab on Linux, there has to be a network interface named eth0 on the machine. Unfortunately, my Ubuntu installation had given the wired network interface the name of p3p1, and this made activating my MatLab licence a hassle, as explained by KB1-661QJD.
As the KB article explains, editing /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and renaming the name of the wired ethernet interface should solve the problem, but in my case, there was only a single interface in the file; wlan0.

The solution, I found, was to add a new entry to the file for the wired ethernet interface. I did so by copying the existing wlan0 entry and changing ATTR{address}, KERNEL and NAME values to appropriate values for the wired ethernet interface. The ATTR{address} is of course the hardware address of the interface, and may be found by running ifconfig | grep HW.

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